-- Introduction to Portable Free Programs for Windows --
updated April 2016

Not-So-Secret Weapons to save you Time, Money and Frustration in acquiring and using Windows Programs and Utilities
We have worked hard to make sense of it all for you in the simplest way we can.

There are three major Operating systems for Desktop and Laptop Computers --

» Windows --   most people buy the software they use for Windows. But, there are great alternatives.

» Apple (Mac O/S) --   people are compelled to buy almost all their software from Apple - and it is expensive

» Linux --   which offers people thousands of software programs and utilities for free

    NOTE: Chromebooks and the Google Chrome O/S are not a practical choice

» » HOWEVER, Windows users don't need to spend money for most of the programs they use

  This presentation will show you how easy and efficient it is for you to safely acquire and use Free and Portable Windows programs and Utilities.

 Because these programs are portable, they don't bog down your Windows Operating system like all the purchased and installed programs that most people use. And, they usually offer features equivalent to purchased software.

To the Intro Page 2

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